
We're Robert & Hannah

We along with our 3 kids enjoy running our farm "Adva Lake"

In 2006, after two years of marriage and while expecting our first son, we decided to add to our growing family with a puppy. At the time, we had no idea how this decision would impact our lives and future plans. As fourth-generation farmers, we are well-acquainted with livestock. Although our farm mainly focuses on row crops now, we've had a variety of animals, including goats, sheep, cows, horses, Petunia the pig, chickens, and rabbits (it’s hard for me to say no to anything with four legs!).
People often laugh when I say, “My husband wanted cows, but I wanted dogs,” but that statement truly reflects how we ended up where we are today. For us, a dog is not just a pet; it is a faithful companion and a member of the family. Both our past and present dogs, along with the people we've met over the last 19 years of breeding dogs, hold a significant place in our hearts. 
The joy of helping others find the right companion for their family and lifestyle is something that will never grow old. 
If you are searching for the perfect pointer, retriever, flusher, tracker, or a loyal addition to your family, we are here to help!

Welcome !


On the farm

Dogs are not meant for small cages, they were born for adventure, for running with children, for hunting by their master and for chasing fireflies. We are an AKC inspected kennel who believes in quality of life for all our pets.


North Mississippi


662-542-1588 or 662-542-1589

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